Puerto Banus Shopping

If you ever visit Puerto Banus Marbella you will know that most of luxurious international brands are averrable. Clothing brand , jewels , shoe brand you will have a very wide choice of variety. As everybody else I have few preferences in Summer cruise fashion in Puerto Banus. For me most important thing is commodity. We are living in resort. Especially in summer under hot sun in Marbella we like to wear casual comfortable clothing but chic enough to adapt any occasions. It is not so easy to dress so comfortably but look proper. I think this is a challenge for all the residents here in Marbella. Our city can be very hot during June, July , August.

Bags became very important for cruise fashion naturally, big size bag for a space for your sunscreen, face spray, bronzers all those basic element that you need on cruise and just been in a port for lunch. In my case some time I need Extra size bag for my mini Chihuahua & Pomeranian for them to be beside me while I am having lunch or drinks with my friends and shop hopping in port. It may sound funny for some people who are not used to mini size dogs but they can’t not walk on heated up road under the sun for many hours, they are very fragile and they need to be carry time to time and they feel safe in their own bag in public because they know that they are very small so people may step on them.

So as sunglasses are important. Because of the beautiful strong sun in Costa del Sol we are not able to drive without sunglasses on and we can’t even have a lunch in a port without them most of the time. I am quite sure that Marbella residents people have a wide collections of sunglasses not only myself. It is our daily must have goods in our bag along side of diving licence, ID, wallet and mobile phone and 5th important item is the sunglasses. We never leave our house without them during a summer.

In resort like Puerto Banus Marbella, even you have unscheduled Gala or cocktails to attend ( It happens quite often, people invite you to formal banquet on the same day even..  ) you don’t need to be panic. Just walking on the first line of Puerto Banus you may find beautiful items for top to tow. Within half hour shopping you may be magically transformed and ready for a tonight’s event. There are so many good Beauty salons are near by as well.

If you wish to know upcoming events in Marbella please follow me on my social media and Event’s calendar on both http://www.coastfield.net and this SAEKOHAMADA.com websites and my social medias FB http://www.facebook.com/saeko.hamada1  Twitter http://www.twitter.com/SAEKOHAMADA , Instagram  http://www.instagram.com/SAEKOHAMADA  

Photography by GlossyShot http://www.golossyshot.net 

I wish you all for a Happy Summer Shopping ! Let me know your favourite brand in Puerto Banus.

June 2017 Marbella , Saeko Hamada

in Japanese 日本語


プエルトバヌスでは、サングラスも重要なアイテムの一つで、外出の際位は必ず携帯し、特に運転をする場合には、夏の間はサングラス無しではほとんど運転不可能なほどの日差しです。日常に不可欠のアイテムの為、マラベーヤの住民のほとんどがかなりの量のサングラスを所有しています。また、予定外の晩餐会、カクテルパーティー等が急に入っても、プエルトバヌスにいる限り一安心です。ショッピングに30分も費やせば、全身完璧な支度が魔法のように仕上がります。ハーバー周辺には、技術の高い美容師さんの揃うサロンがたくさんありますのでご安心ください。マラベーヤにお越しの際には、是非事前に私のソーシャルメディア、FB、Twitter, Instagram, リンク上記、または私のウェブサイトの社交イベントカレンダー、リンク上記をご覧になってください。このホームページでも紹介させていただいています。マラベーヤはすっかり夏です。いつか日本からもこちらにいらっしゃることを心待ちにしております。

2017年六月九日 濱田映子  マラベーヤ スペイン