Helen Bellart Cruise Fashion in Puerto Banus


I had a pleasure to have a Co-shooting with Helen Bellart http://www.helenbellart.com for her brand last week in Puerto Banus Harbour  Marbella on a luxurious boat ” Black Pearl “. A good friend of mine kindly hosted Friends gathering / Photo shoot afternoon on his boat. It was a one of many beautiful day in Marbella that everyone enjoys. Helen Bellart is a Artist / Painter /Designer Multitalented powerful business woman who were former Miss Continental. All her designe are digital copies of her own Oil Paintings. This beautiful talented brand creator started her Blog presenting her items made by 100% Silk and expanding to bags and accessories. I am wearing one of her designe Pink Peony Silk scarf and bracelet in the photo of top. I love the feeling of silk on my skin. Silk is a wonderful fabric , Cool in a summer and warm in a winter. As I am coming from Tokyo Japan originally I have a strong opinion on Silk materiales. Silk is something we were glowing up with. It is a luxury material I know. But in Japan Silk is very much integrated to our culture and tradition. Not only in Fashion, you do understand if you ever visit my country.

Here I am wearing Helen Bellart Blooming Cherry tree scarf and bracelet combining my Summer Nails done by Narybu Puerto Banus http://www.narybu.com   AVEDA salon next to El corte Ingles Puerto Banus . My favourite Beauty Salon for last 3 years.

I enjoy a contrast of strong color and pastels under the Sun. Especially on a cruise you stand up so much on the sea and white boat. Marbella is a city that you can wear colourful clothing day and night. This city gives us opportunities to challenge many deferent colores and motives. Helen Bellart will be a great brand to make you look beautiful in luxurious casual chic. Effortless style is the Best in cruise but don’t forget a touch of class.

I am inspired by Helen Bellart brand concept. She creates, designe , represents, models, edit, publish, blog, sales, customer relations, everything coming from herself. Just like I am trying to do in my company Coastfield Projects http://www.coastfield.net  last decade and my Blog-Vlog Youtube. It is not easy thing to do. Everything comes back to you good or bad and tremendous quantity of working hours. Helen and I , we are both very lucky to  have Italian husband who are so understanding and supportive.

This is a another hurdle that we have to clear as a devoted entrepreneur, to have a cooperative husband and family. For example. This shooting day my husband was having a business meetings on a same boat and at the same time he went to buy drinks according to everyone’s preferences. He does all this with smiles.  Helen’s husband was also having a business meeting with my husband and others plus he was doing a shoot for her website and blog. He is a creative advisor for Helen Bellart and he has his own projects as well. I like a day like this everything goes very easy without stress and we have a lot of result on many dimensions. Thanks to our husbands to be so helpful.

As always excellent photographies by GloosyShot http://www.glossyshot.net I do enjoy shooting with her. I share a photo I was caught by her during my Selfie session for my Blog-Vlog. It will show you how much fun we have together on each photo session.

I hope you all having a great Summer so far. If you come to Marbella please keep eye on my publication for upcoming event. Instagram/Twitter @SAEKOHAMADA and FB saeko.hamada1 and of course both www.SAEKOHAMADA.com and www.Coastfield.net

in Japanese 日本語

今回のブログは、私の住むマラベーヤのリゾート/クルーズファッションをご紹介しました。ブランド名はヘレンベラアートHelen Bellart 。元ミスチェコスロヴァキア、ミスコンチネンタルで、画家でもあるヘレンさんの100%シルクのスカーフとアクセサリーです。ご本人のブログをご覧になると、デザインの元となった油絵、シリーズ化したバック、アクセサリー等が満載です。残念ながら、日本語のページはまだありませんが、何かお役に立てることがありましたら、ご遠慮なく私の方に日本語にて、ご連絡ください。saeko@coastfield.net


今回初めて、日本語での投稿をさせていただきました。長い間日本の方々からの暖かいお言葉をFB, Instagram等を通して、有り難く受けさせていただいています。欧州に長く住む身ですので、何か少しでも日本の皆様の旅先のガイドとしてお役に立てることがあるのではないかと思い、こちらでの生活を日本語でも紹介させていただくことにしました。主人はミラノ出身のイタリア人で、私達はスペインのマラベーヤで3匹の犬と、同じく東京出身の母と、ささやかな生活を楽しんでいます。海外に住んでしますと、FB saeko.hamada1 やInstagram @SAEKOHAMADA の日本の皆様の投稿や、メッセージが毎日の心の支えとなっています。この場を借りて、皆様に深く御礼を申し上げます。今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。これから雨季に入られると思いますが、皆様どうそお身体を大切に、楽しい初夏をお過ごしください。

2017年6月 マラベーヤ、スペイン

濱田映子 はまださえこ